Take The Lord With You Wherever You Go

Mar 17, 2019    Jordy Bloodsworth

From the murky swamps where alligators make their home to the glorious sunrise where there are signs everywhere that all kinds of fish are hiding, but it’s not just about fishing…it’s the love of boats and the love of God’s beautiful nature that has soothed the soul of Jordy Bloodsworth. Since he was very young, a passion for helping others was instilled in Jordy since he was a child.

Suddenly, at the age of 12, he found himself personally immersed in a sea of devastation when his family lost EVERYTHING in Hurricane Katrina! This changed Jordy’s priorities in life.

Thank God for his passion of helping others! In the past few years, some of the most severe flooding has ravished the Southeast coast. From duck boats to kayaks…a homegrown squad known as the Cajun Navy was formed. It was their conscience and love of neighbor that summoned this makeshift flotilla into traitorous currents to carry endangered citizens to higher ground. This makeshift flotilla became known as the Cajun Navy and is credited with rescuing more than 10,000 people from flooded homes and rooftops! The Cajun Navy will not stand by and watch other suffer, struggle and fight for their lives. Just like in the book of Jeremiah (2012), “The Lord is with them like a mighty warrior!”

Take The Lord With You Wherever You Go...that's our Focus!